(C) 1998, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/cant/0116/stage2/06/s03} [KHM:445029238] TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:7dd6d46a8de2d3b2b7d77def9ae07d32] 07/20/98 Fran Bennion WK#:116 MV#:6 Bach Gesellschaft xxiv Du Friedef\u3rst, Herr Jesu Christ. Choral Tenore, Viola 0 0 T Group memberships: score score: part 3 of 5 $ K:3 Q:2 T:1/1 C:34 E4 2 q d Er-|da\0/ measure 1 E4 1 e d [ ( leucht'_|wir_ D4 1 e d ] ) _|_ D4 2 q d auch|nicht C#4 2 q d un-|trei- C#4 2 q d sern|ben measure 2 B3 1 e u [ Sinn_|draus_ A3 1 e u ] _|_ E4 2 q d und|ein'n E4 2 q d F Herz|Scherz, B3 1 e d [ ( durch_|der_ C#4 1 e d ] ) _|_ measure 3 D4 2 q d den|un E4 2 q d Geist|srer F#4 2 q d dei-|See- E4 2 q d ner|len measure 4 E4 6 h. d Gnad',|schad't. mheavy2 :| F#4 2 q d O measure 5 E4 2 q d Je- E4 2 q d su E4 2 q d Christ, D4 2 q d al- measure 6 C#4 2 q d lein D#4 2 q # d du G#3 2 q u F bist, C#4 2 q d der measure 7 C#4 2 q d Solch's B3 2 q d wohl A3 2 q u kann B3 2 q d aus- measure 8 A3 1 e u [ rich- B3 1 e u = - C#4 1 e u = - A3 1 e u ] - E4 3 q. d - D4 1 e d - measure 9 C#4 6 h. d ten. mheavy2 /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:8a64f885a8ccf01153190c99540f92c2] @REASON: major archive update