(C) 1991 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/cant/0007/stage2/05/MCHAN2} [KHM:1382249774] TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:6faa3ca7947bc21661e810c17459476d] 06/14/91 S. Rasmussen WK#:7 MV#:5 Bach Gesellschaft i Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam Recitativo Midi assignment Group memberships: midi midi: part 1 of 6 & Comments here & part 1 = channel 1 Violino I part 2 = channel 2 Violino II part 3 = channel 3 Viola part 4 = channel 4 BASSO part 5 = channel 5 Continuo part 6 = channel 6 Continuo (Harpsichord) channel 1: instrument = 64, 46 channel 2: instrument = 64, 46 channel 3: instrument = 64, 46 channel 4: instrument = 65, 65 channel 5: instrument = 64, 64 channel 6: instrument = 7, 7 4 restrike factor 58 quarter notes per minute 44 quarter notes per minute at measure 6 /END