about David Cope his work his music scores software experiments in musical intelligence


1982, orchestra (2,2,2,2, 4,2,3 hp, perc, str) and soloist (on original instruments), composer, 29'

"Afterlife pulled us through Cope's imagined rites of passage, exploring the realms of nonlinear time. The work began with a single line in the strings which was reiterated and stretched by the different phasing of the parts. The lines evolved in a circular collision developing a sense of perpetual movement and gradual unfolding. Perhaps the most unique quality of Cope's invention [new instrument] is its versatility; housed within a hollowedout log is a nail harp, a panpipe set, a voice resonator and a drum. The music was heightened theatrically by Cope's realization as he bent over his log and voice muffled, dislocated calls of life past. The music infused a wide vernacular of musical styles, which were successfully integrated within Cope's intense treatment."

--Philip Collins, Santa Cruz Sentinel, March 11, 1983